Sep 17Liked by Ocean Pleasant

The eclipse is in my 9th house and the “going with the flow” thought is hitting home a bit as a people pleaser. I started a new job in May which I was working on trying to get for a while and it’s not exactly what I had hoped for but at the same time I think this is a job where I need to have a little more of a spine than I’m used to early on in a new space and I’m not totally clear on where I’m at right now. I work in a field (public libraries) that I love and that is both fulfilling and draining but work that is important to me especially as I’m now working in my own community. I think I need to lean into the community aspect a bit more for things to work in the way I need and want them to

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Thank you for sharing this! I think it’s really powerful to admit when something turns out to be more of a stepping stone than the fully realized dream. Instead of letting the formlessness of Pisces convince you that you’ve achieved the end result, this might be a powerful time to consider“what’s next“ if it’s not everything you expected it to be. That doesn’t necessarily mean leaving, but integrating fulfillment in new ways!

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Sep 17Liked by Ocean Pleasant

1) I DO have N. Node Virgo and S. Node Pisces and have really been feeling those themes of challenging my status quo as of late. Scared of my Saturn return, but good to know I'm moving in time with the Universe!

2) This eclipse is landing in my 8th House (yay!) and to say that "deeper truth" has been percolating is an understatement. I've been feeling like a tension in my chest almost like I need to sob uncontrollably but haven't had the *moment* come yet. Taking this time to connect with my guides and unearth whatever that truth really is.


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So grateful you took the time to share. I hope you can find a moment to sit with that feeling, and know that it is safe to let it all come to the surface. Nothing as healing as a good, healthy cry 🥲🥹❤️

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Sep 18Liked by Ocean Pleasant

Ocean my seer!!!!

I always drive two paths. The one I want and the one that pays. But I’ve been playing and writing music. Reaching out to a friend to share my words so he can throw guitar / music it up. I’m paying my way to be a teacher, paying for my certification.

But I’ve committed to Greer. That’s my keyboard. 🤣🤩😍😍🎹☠️

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Sep 18Liked by Ocean Pleasant

Ooops, third house ;) hahaha

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Greer! 😍😆 honing your voice through music and teaching is a beautiful use of this third house revelation!

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Sep 17Liked by Ocean Pleasant

So beautifully written. 8th house for me in whole sign, 7th (intercepted) in placidus. NN and Vertex in Pisces. SN/Sun in Virgo. Both descriptions resonate, as my whole life is utter confusion at present. (Maybe it’s because I only just entered my 1st house profection year 2 days ago, and the past year has been very isolating, but it’s like nothing is clear yet, in any area of my life.) All I know is… “not this, there HAS to be more”.

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As you approach your nodal return, you are absolutely right in suspecting there is “more to it“ than this. Exiting the 12th house year can feel like coming out of intense isolation, so give yourself more grace than just two days 🥹 you can think of the nodal return beginning early next year as coming face-to-face with true satisfaction, purpose, and excellence in your life!

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The eclipse is in my 6th house and I have been feeling sick for two days and very uncomfortable in my own body. Thinking back of 2015-2017 that is the time I was struggling with gallstones and then I had surgery to remove my gallbladder. Also, my mars is in Pisces at 19 degrees, so pretty close to this Full Moon 🌕 in the journal prompt, I feel like I need to let go of some patterns like binge eating once and for all and trust that I can soothe myself in other ways. I have got tools! Thank you Ocean 💗

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I wish we could’ve connected in the circle today, thank you for sharing here! Sending you lots of love, it is important to befriend your body with this sixth house transit… She deserves all of your love! ❤️

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Thank you so much 💗

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Sep 18Liked by Ocean Pleasant

12th house for me. Your writing “You have much more of an active role in your own destiny than you are currently taking,” resonates deeply. Transformative.

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Sep 18Liked by Ocean Pleasant

Thank you for this. Wondering…important to look at the opposite house, with 25 Virgo degree?

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Virgo season is the anchor for the Pisces full moon, you can definitely look there as well!

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Ohhh Ocean, I love the idea of offering prayers for each sign with this eclipse! I am so deeply feeling this eclipse in my 7th house while navigating relationships that are both blossoming and ending. <3 Beautiful words as always.

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